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To the shadow within that tells me that merely existing is an act of self-sabotage... I see you. I see the tears running down your face and the agony in your eyes. I see your warrior spirit. You feel as though a warrior must always be proving themselves worthy by constantly fighting a battle for a better life. But don't you see? Someone has cursed you. They cast a spell that has led you to believe that rest is dangerous. So ,when my body says "no more", you ready your weapon and attack the threat. This threat, however, also kills you. It's been so long since we've felt safe, hasn't it? It's nearly impossible to think about dropping the sword, and yet, we are both too wounded to fight. We've been through so much, Shadow, but it's time to drop the armour and let the joy in. It's time to heal. It's going to be okay.

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